6.0261 Initially it would have
most probably only have been
heteroerotic b-atmoi and b-jivatmoi
prim's and prime's that left home
their homoerotic counterparts already
dwelling psychologically in a place
above and beyond the limits of any
Patriarchal Order had no real incentive
to leave they rather had just stayed at home
Eventually though it would have been just
such a stay at home subject most probably
b-atmoi'' type that would have stumbled
in their mental travels upon a way of both
counting and encoding the slings and arrow's
of their outrageous family fortune in the form of
the their counterpart b-jivatmoi''
{br}Others being able then to enumerate and
record the philosophical of their
sedentary ways whilst their judgmental d-jivat'
relatives would have been only to able then to
encode their Laws written in the name of the
{F}Other for all time just like their dominant
{br}Others and their recorded
historical inscriptions of their {F}Otherly
sanctioned triumphs as with their
b-jivat' {br}Others and their yet
to be [M/F]Otherly sanctioned
Revolutionary Tracts