Terrorised by the Black
Death Luther abandoned
his Law studie
s against
his own
{f}Other's' wishes
and entered the
n a nearby
Monastery to ferventl
y adopt
the penitent ascetic way
s of
his newfound

Always the d-Littled
db-jivat' subject though
he later abandoned these

ascetic ways afte
r experiencing
at firsthand the this wordl
y dis
approving ways of his Papal
{F}Other and nailed his

future to Catherine's
door his newfound wife

Several children
later and a Protestant
reputation to match he

never eve
r attempted
any passage to the
blissful shore of
d-Empty absorption

Stuck rather in an un
finished Adultescent
Mu' first turning he sat

alongside his Catherine
(m)Other substitute
railed against the this wordly

ways of his
disapproved and

disapproving Imperial Holy
{F}Other just like
his newfound

{br}Others - behaviour th
led eventually to the imperially
shattering Treaty of Westphalia
and the birth of the Western
Nation States alongside
their Adultescent ways
of inter-national

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