6.01411 Our Geneticist (br)Others having colour
coded and counted all of our genes have found
that we in fact share 98.4% with our Chimpanzee
primate cousins and 99.8% with each Other

Having in total only 30,000
genes we can
only differ from our dumb primate cousins
by 48
0 or so genes at the most and since
we differ from each Other by only 0.2%
the matter of our individual differences can
be boiled down then to a mere 60 or so
genes. Such findings inevitably stop dead
in it's tracks the reductionist programme
of our Socio-biologist (br)Other's in which
all of our psycho-social differences were
thought to be in the final analysis
grounded totally in the matter of
our differing genetic makeup's

6.01412 They and all of their kind
have no option now but
acknowledge and explore
the universal truths
contained within
this text

6.01413 The path remember
to all futures now
lies with this text

6.01413 A text in which
the sequencing of
our Mumetic Code
is shown to be
at long last