5.00 Just as Experience
has taught and Theory
predicts there is a marked
difference to be found in the
apparent incidence of both
the pre-Oedipal and Oedipal
modes between these two
contrasting demographically
skewed counts

6.00 In the count skewed towards
24 year olds and less there is
an obvious higher incidence of
pre-Oedipal modes over Oedipal
ones - an inevitable consequence
of all Oedipally constituted infantile
subjects upon entering their
Adultescent Stage having first to experience
and act out their initial pre-Oedipal turnings
with a cast of unsuspecting ma and da
(m)Other substitutes before re-enacting
and experiencing with a different cast of
unsuspecting (m)Other and (f)Other
substitutes their later
Oedipal turnings

6.10 Having anticipated such
differences I enquired of all
pre-Oedipal respondents
throughout the second count
as to whether they were ever
aware in infancy of their Mums
desire for their Dad or their
Dad's for their Mum to find
the following numbers

7.00 Fast forward the lives of such
subjects now and imagine their
Oedipal responses when 44 years
old actively re-enacting then
their Oedipal turnings with a
different cast of unsuspecting
(m)Other and (f)Other substitutes
from the ma and da (m)Other
of their done
and lusted pre-Oedipal
turnings just like the
patients of my case
load back then

Subtract, redistribute
compare and contrast

7.10 Predictably these results
are not unlike the ones
depicted below of my
original Mu

7.20 The only difference being
assuming that the recent
count of 24 year olds
and less represents
the Universal incidence
of all natural Mu modes
within all Speaking
Communites is that
roughly about 4% of my
Oedipally constituted
male patients back then
had failed to complete
the re-enactment of
their pre-Oedipal
circuits and enter
their Oedipal ones
unlike their female
counterparts such
was the way of my
World back then