Infantile turnings
of Individuation a term I have
appropriated from Jung refers

specifically in this case to those
original formative
Mu and Mu prim''
or prime' turnings experienced by
us all in childhood that leads to
the realisation of some particular
Mu or Mu prime' or prim''
mode of an aborted topmost turning
of a first or second Oedipal turning
as a result of our encounter with
some nuclear
(m)Other and {f}Other
pair or some communal group
(m)Other's and {f}Other's

7.01272 Future entry upon
the Theatrical Adult Stage
brings into play just such
childhood turnings of
Individuation that are
acted out and repeated
with a pair or group of

substitute (m)Other's
and {f}Other's each
becoming the Other
for each Other in the
midst of a chorus of
favouring and/or

7.01273 The actual
cast as
substitute (m)Other's
and {f}Other's the
dramatis personae
of this Play being
offered their parts
purely on the basis
of perhaps the look
of an ankle, the feel of
a sentence the touch of
an elbow or the taste
and smell of a kiss
reminders all of the
original pleasurable
bits of their original