7.012521 The "tragedy" of all
such Paedophiliac pre-Oedipal
subjects no different from that

of any murderous pre-Oedipal
minor one is that throughout their
Adultescence they can only ever

fcuk or kill substitute adopted
selves Psychologically they
are forever incapable of fcuking

or killing any abusive infantile
(m)Other substitute one can only
"be it" or "have it" remember
Consequently they too can be
fcuked or killed by any old
abusive minor inducing
substitue pre-Oedipal (m)Other

of any old day.
Murderous minor
Oedipal ones are different though
having identified both with the
(m)Other and their desire for the
they therefore can be
fcuked or killed by any old abusive
minor inducing substitute (f)Other
of any old unfinished
Oedipal first
turning. But unlike
minor ones as well as fcuking
or killing
substitute adopted
selves in the form of the
inducing (f)Other
they too can kill or fcuk
any old similarly abused
substitute (m)Other along
with any envied substitute
favoured pre-Oedipal
(br)Other or two