the phallocentric order

7.021 The adoption of a binary code to represent all sixteen
mu-biograms can be used to generate both Schema Mu
which represents the eight-fold pre-Oedipal path of
and Schema
Mu' which in turn depicts the Oedipal
eight-fold path of

7.022 Bound by Time alone, that which
accompanies the free floating d-mode

attends must to the comings and goings
of some primary narcissistic stream of
momentary events in the manner
of some faceless spaceless
transcendentally operating
Kantian unity of apperception

7.023 Bound now by such a passing stream
ever faceless and spaceless that which
operates such comings and goings is
spread out solipsistically throughout
such passing events in the midst
of a sighting of

7.024 Upon the appearance within this
stream of the pleasure of fulfilling events
d-jivamit surfaces and floats free

7.025 The sinking passage though of such
satisfying events leads immediately
to the unpleasure of d-anamit

8.00 Repeated sightings of such pleasing and
unpleasing events eventually leads to the
penetration of Time by Space and the birth
of the thoughts of the things themselves

8.01 The anticipatory thought of the (m)Other
expressed within the now dualistically split
d-anamit mode marks then the point of entry to
the eight fold pre-Oedipal path of being

8.02 The accepting look of the (m)Other results in
adoption of Self and introduces the d-atmoi mode

8.03 Withdrawal of such a look of acceptance by
some narcissistically
self-favouring (m)Other
results in the recognition of the rejected
not good enough Self and leads
to the
d-anatmoi mode

8.04 Repeated withdrawal of this
look of acceptance
by some
narcissistically self-favouring (m)Other
or by it's transference onto some sibling rival
sidelines the speaking subject then into
b-atmoi mode

8.05 The arrival of the
(m)Other's look of approval
alongside that of acceptance elevates the adopted
Self to the position of the
d-jivatmoi mode
in which they can have what it takes
"to be it" for all (m)Others

8.06 Complete loss of the look of approving
acceptance results in the recognition
of the
rejected not good enough Self
and leads to the
d-anatmoi mode

8.07 Upon the appearance of the (m)Other's look
of disapproval the
d-jivatmoi individual converts
then to the
b-jivatmoi mode through an active
avoidance of this look whilst still remaining
within the bounds of the look of acceptance

8.08 Similarly the d-jivatmoi mode converts to
d-jivat mode through a willing acceptance
of the
(m)Other's look of disapproval
in the midst of her
look of acceptance

8.09 However the b-jivat mode can follow both
the preceding modes by the
active pursuit
of the look of disapproval in the midst
of the look of acceptance

8.10 The b-anatmoi mode inevitably follows
withdrawal of this look of acceptance
and results in the appearance of the
d-anatmoi mode triggering the relentless
of an endless stream of others
in the hope of finding some
all-embracing (M)Other

8.11 Alternatively the b-anatmoi individual
can double back and enter the
mode whilst still remaining within
pre-Oedipal bounds and
rejecting (m)Other

8.12 However if the withdrawal of the look
of  acceptance was occasioned by the
intrusion of a more favoured
then the 
b-anatmoi mode leads
straight onto  the
d-anatmoi' mode
and marks the point of entry
to the
Oedipal eight-fold
path of having

8.13 The re-adoption of Self, in the context
of the look of preferential acceptance of
the favoured
(f)Other, precipitates
d-atmoi' mode

8.14 Withdrawal of this
look of acceptance by
some self-favouring narcissistic
(f)Other forces
individual back into the d-anatmoi'
mode though and prepares them then for their flight
to the shore of
b-jivat' through an acknowledgement
of the rejecting
(m/f)Others and an acceptance
of the unacceptable Self

8.15  Repeated withdrawal of this look of acceptance
by some self-favouring narcissistic
(f)Other or
by it's transference onto some
sibling rival
sidelines the speaking subject into
b-atmoi' position

8.16 The return and further loss of this look of preference
forces the
individual back into the d-anatmoi'
mode and prepares them then for their flight to the
shore of
d-jivat' through an acknowledgement
of the rejecting
(m/f)Others and an
acceptance of the divided Self

8.17 The arrival of the favoured (f)Other's look
approval on top of the look of acceptance elevates
d-atmoi' subject to the triumphant d-jivatmoi'
position and announces the apparent resolution
of the initial anticipatory

8.18 If the favoured (f)Other's look of accepting approval
had been won and lost in the blink of a
"castrating" eye
then the new-born
d-anatmoi' individual would have
no more a do than flee to the shore of
through a
rejection of the rejecting (m/f)Others
and an acceptance of an isolated Self

8.19 However exposure to the withdrawal and
of this favouring look of the (f)Other's
the rival (m)Other introduces b-anatmoi'
and heralds the arrival of d-anatmoi''
and an
Oedipal Mu'' second turning

8.20 The re-adoption of Self, in the context
of the look of preferential acceptance of
such a favoured
(m)Other, precipitates the
d-atmoi'' mode. Loss and transference
of this
favouring look of the
(m)Other's upon the
original (f)Other though results in the return
d-anatmoi'' Lack of any re-identification with
this desire of the
(m)Other's for the (f)Other leads
immediately then to a return of
d-anatmoi and
an endless repetition of all preceding modes
through a limitless stream of Others in the
hope of embracing some all-embracing

8.21 Withdrawal of this
look of acceptance by
some self-favouring narcissistic
(m)Other forces
d-atmoi'' individual back into the
mode and prepares them then for their flight to the
shore of
db-jivat'' through an acknowledgement
of the rejecting
(m/f)Others and an acceptance
of the unacceptable Self. Loss and transference
of this favouring look of the (m)Other's upon the
original (f)Other though results similarly in the
return of
and any resultant lack of
re-identification with this desire of the
for the (f)Other
leads immediately then to a return
d-anatmoi and an endless repetition of all
preceding modes through a limitless stream
of Others in the
hope of embracing some
all-embracing all-favouring

8.22 Repeated withdrawal of such a look of
acceptance by some self-favouring narcissistic
(m)Other or by it's transference onto some
sibling rival sidelines the speaking subject then
db-atmoi'' mode
Loss and transference
of this favouring look of the (m)Other's upon the
original (f)Other though results similarly in the
return of
and any resultant lack of
re-identification with this desire of the
for the (f)Other
leads immediately then to a return
d-anatmoi and an endless repetition of all
preceding modes through a limitless stream
of Others in the
hope of embracing some
all-embracing all-favouring

8.23 The return and further loss of this look of
preference forces the
b-atmoi'' individual back into
mode and prepares them then for
their flight to the shore of
d-jivat'' through an
acknowledgement of the rejecting
and an acceptance of the divided Self. Loss and
of this favouring look of the (m)Other's
upon the original (f)Other though results similarly
in the return of
and any resultant lack of
re-identification with this desire of the
for the (f)Other
leads immediately then to a return
d-anatmoi and an endless repetition of all
preceding modes through a limitless stream
of Others in the
hope of embracing some
all-embracing all-favouring

8.24 The arrival of the favoured (m)Other's look
approval on top of the look of acceptance elevates
d-atmoi'' subject to the triumphant d-jivatmoi''
position and announces the apparent resolution
of the initial anticipatory

8.25 If the favoured (m)Other's look of accepting approval
had been won and lost in the blink of a
"castrating" eye
then the new-born
d-anatmoi'' individual would have
no more a do than flee to the shore of
through a
rejection of the rejecting (m/f)Others
and an acceptance of an isolated Self. However
if the death of this look of the
(m)Other's had
involved the re-introduction of the
(f)Other b-anatmoi'' inevitably
follows. Lack of any re-identification with
this desire of the
(m)Other's for the (f)Other
though leads then to a return of d-anatmoi
and an endless repetition of all preceding
modes through a limitless stream of Others in
hope of embracing some all-embracing

8.26 However with the death of this favoured look
of the
(m)Other's for the triumphant d-jivatmoi''
subject and it's transference onto the original
(f)Other db-anatmoi'' immediately follows. Lack
of any re-identification with this desire of the
(m)Other's for the (f)Other leads then though
to a return of d-anatmoi
and an endless
repetition of all preceding modes through
a limitless stream of Others in the
embracing some all-embracing

9.00 Thus these eight-fold paths of the mind
may well represent the
absolute limits
of change possible for any
speaking being

10.00 Beyond only lies deathly silence