8.121 It is at this juncture that speaking subjects divide quite
naturally into Oedipal
Prims and Primes as a consequence
of either a
ma or da driven turning of Circuit Mu

8.122 In the case of ma driven turnings just like this one
Oedipal Prim Subjects are produced through the effect
of a
ma "(m)Other" introducing their offspring
to their
desire for a da "(f)Other"

8.123 Whilst In the case of da driven turnings Oedipal
Prime Subjects are produced through the effect
of a da
"(m)Other" introducing their offspring
to their
desire for a ma "(f)Other"

8.124 Upon entering Adulthood any female body that had
become just such an
Oedipal Prim Subject through their
earlier identification with their ma
(m)Other's desire
for their da (f)Other has no more ado but exhibit
heterosexual behaviour

8.125 In contrast any male body that similarly becomes an
Prim Subject through an identical identification with
their ma
(m)Other's desire for their da (f)Other are driven
then throughout their Adulthood to exhibit homosexual
behaviour unless they counter such homoerotic
drives with an identificatory act that involves
their becoming just such a da
(f)Other for
desirous ma (m)Other substitute or
substitutes that results then in an entire
Adulthood of heterosexual behaviour